Judith & Charles - EncycloFashionQC - McCord Museum

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Judith & Charles


Since 2009

Ensemble. Photo courtesy of Judith & Charles

Judith & Charles is a brand of ready-to-wear professional clothing for women. The design of the pieces is classic, with a focus on fit and quality.

Its founders, Judith Richardson and Charles Le Pierrès, are partners in business and in life. Initially North American distributors of the French fashion brand Teenflo for 22 years, they launched their own collections under the name Judith & Charles in 2009. Judith Richardson is the brand’s artistic director, overseeing a team of designers.

The clothing is designed at the Judith & Charles headquarters located on Meilleur Street in Montreal, before being manufactured primarily in Ontario. As of 2018, the company has around a  dozen shops across Canada.


judithandcharles.com External link

Johne, Marjo. “Made-in-Canada strategy suits this high-fashion duo.” The Globe and Mail, The Globe and Mail Inc., 11 May 2018, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/startups/made-in-canada-strategy-suits-high-fashion-duo/article14887362/. External link

Nicoud, Anabelle. “Judith & Charles : une jeune marque d’expérience.” La Presse, La Presse Inc., 27 July 2014, http://www.lapresse.ca/vivre/mode/201407/25/01-4786782-judithcharles-une-jeune-marque-dexperience.php. External link

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Madeleine Goubau, Contributor