Elisa C-Rossow - EncycloFashionQC - McCord Museum

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Elisa C-Rossow


Since 2008

Elisa C-Rossow © Gaëlle Leroyer. Photo courtesy of Elisa C-Rossow

Elisa C-Rossow is a fashion designer known for the precise tailoring of her clothing and the fact that her designs are produced solely in black, with the occasional white or grey piece. In addition to producing high-end collections of women’s ready-to-wear, available notably at Simons, she designs custom outfits for individual clients.

A native of France and a graduate of the ESMOD school of fashion in Paris, Elisa C-Rossow moved to Montreal in March 2008 and founded her label that summer. Her pieces are created in small runs in her Notre Dame Street West studio, with the exception of her stretch fabric dresses, which are made by a local subcontractor.


elisa-c-rossow.com External link

Calcagno, Leonardo. « L’histoire de bureau d’Elisa C-Rossow, designer. » Baron, Extra Caramel, 5 October 2015, https://www.baronmag.com/2015/10/lhistoire-de-bureau-delisa-c-rossow-designer/ External link

« La magnifique collection de Karine Vanasse et d’Elisa C-Rossow pour Simons. » Huffpost, Oath Inc., 2 August 2017, https://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/08/02/la-magnifique-collection-de-karine-vanasse-et-delisa-c-rossow-p_a_23061349/%20 External link

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Madeleine Goubau, Contributor