Amsel & Amsel Inc. - McCord Stewart Museum - EncycloFashionQC

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Amsel & Amsel Inc.


1910 - 2018

Amsel & Amsel was a high-fashion wholesale fur manufacturer and dealer. Established in Montreal in 1910 by Nathan Amsel and his son Moe, the business originally specialized in raw and dressed furs, and manufactured finished garments.

The internationally renowned company produced a line of furs designed by Raoul-Jean Fouré in the late 1960s, and was the exclusive licensee for Balenciaga furs during the 1980s.

In 1995, Amsel & Amsel was chosen by Saga Furs of Scandinavia to produce a collection of coats.

Gerhard (Jerry) Jacob, who became president of the business in the early 1980s, worked with his wife, head designer Ingrid Klahn, until 1991. Jacob, who also served as president of the Fur Council of Canada, entered into a licensing agreement with Poitras Design for collections of men’s and women’s fur coats from 1987 to 1993.

Throughout its long history, Amsel & Amsel went through several iterations before finally ceasing operations in 2018.


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