Labelle Fourrure - EncycloFashionQC - McCord Museum

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Labelle Fourrure


1910 - 2017

Labelle Fourrure is founded in 1910 by Élisabeth Labelle. In her store, she offers many posh muskrat coats, Laskin sheep, hare, lynx, red squirrel, Persian sheep … Labelle Fourrure quickly becomes a prestigious Montréal institution.

In 1947, three stores are established on Saint-Hubert and Sainte-Catherine Streets, each one showcasing a large selection of vests, coats, hats, scarves, mittens, bags and other fur accessories.

The stores also offer repair, cleaning, storage and recycling services for all fur products.

In 1954, Jean Labelle, the founder’s son, takes the helm of Labelle Fourrure and, starting with the early 1970s, Caroline Labelle, of the third generation, becomes general manager of the store, aided by her sister Lisane, co-owner. Passionate, Caroline furthers the brand’s activities, following her family’s tradition and stands firm in defence of fur, despite the emerging objectors.

Although Canadian fur is ranked among the best in the world, it is now threatened by the Asian market.

A major advertising campaign is created to promote Canadian furs worldwide, under the name Beautifully Canadian. This label identifies fur apparel that is handmade in Canada, with both wild and farmed furs, with guaranteed artisanal methods. The certificate states the kinds of furs used, the date of production, the designer’s name and features the Fur council of Canada’s certification, authenticating its Canadian origin.

With its solid workmanship and respectfulness of ethics, despite the threat coming from a strong foreign competition and a declining market, Labelle Fourrure is able to keep creating the most prestigious garments and accessories in its workshop, established at 6570, Saint-Hubert Street, where the store was first founded. But, despite the Labelle family’s best efforts, the store finally has to shut down on February 18th, 2017.

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Montreal's Fashion Museum