Institut des métiers d’art (IMA) - EncycloModeQC - Musée McCord

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Institut des métiers d’art (IMA)


Since 1984

Textile arrangement, 2015 © LM Chabot. Photo courtesy of Institut des métiers d'art

The Institut des métiers d’art (IMA) is a non-profit corporation created in 1984 by Cégep du Vieux Montréal to help implement the Quebec government’s national training plan in the applied arts and crafts sector. Its mandate is to serve as a link between the College and the eight schools that offer the specialized courses of the technical program in applied arts and crafts: the Centre de céramique Bonsecours, the Montréal Centre for Contemporary Textiles, the Centre design et impression textile de Montréal, the École d’ébénisterie d’art de Montréal, the École de Joaillerie de Montréal, Lutherie-Guitare Bruand, the Centre des métiers du cuir de Montréal and Espace VERRE/Centre des métiers du verre du Québec inc.

The Cégep du Vieux Montréal technical program in applied arts and crafts has about 320 students in all. In the 2017-2018 cohort, 21 students were registered in textile construction, 42 in jewellery, 31 in leatherwork and 35 in textile printing.

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Madeleine Goubau, Contributor

Last edited on
01/02/2019 Suggest an edit