Cedar-Eve Peters - EncycloFashionQC - McCord Museum

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Cedar-Eve Peters

Born in Toronto


Since 2012

Cedar-Eve Peters is a visual artist and jewellery designer currently living in Montreal. She is Anishinaabe (Ojibway) from Manitoulin Island and the Saugeen First Nation, but was born and raised in Toronto. Peters comes from a family of artists and craftspeople; her father is a painter and her grandmother was skilled at quillwork. She attended the Rosedale Heights School for the Arts in Toronto before moving to Montreal at age eighteen. In 2012, she graduated from the Studio Arts program at Concordia University.

A self-taught beadworker, Peters sells one-of-a-kind handmade beaded earrings, choker necklaces and bracelets in vivid colours under the name Cedar Eve Creations. In addition to her beaded jewellery, she designs hand-painted earrings and limited edition T-shirts, tote bags, hoodies and tank tops screen-printed with her artwork.

Of her beadwork Peters has stated that it is “inspired by my mother’s and grandmother’s earrings… I look at elements of nature for inspiration for my beading—from flowers to sunsets to the winter season.”

Cedar Eve Creations are sold online through Etsy, Facebook and Instagram, as well as at the McCord Museum Boutique in Montreal. Peters has also participated in market shows organized by Etsy Montreal, Concordia University, and the 2018 Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto.

Peters is also a painter and muralist who is inspired by Indigenous stories, dreams, and the idea of shapeshifting. Peters’ murals can be found in Montreal, Ottawa, Alberta, Peru, and at the Women’s Resource Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

She is a member of Unceded Voices, a collective of “Indigenous-identified women/2spirit/Queer and women of colour.”


“About” Unceded Voices, Unceded Voices, http://www.uncededvoices.com/about. 2018. External link

“Cedar Eve” Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto, IFWTO, https://ifwtoronto.com/cedar-eve/. 2018. External link

“Cedar Eve Creations” Facebook, Facebook, Inc., https://fr-ca.facebook.com/CedarEveCreations/. 2018. External link

“Cedar Eve Peters” Unceded Voices, Unceded Voices, http://www.uncededvoices.com/cedar-eve-peters. 2018. External link

Chan, Joyce. “Putting her mark on the walls of the city” The Concordian, The Concordian, 21 November 2017, http://theconcordian.com/2017/11/putting-mark-walls-city/. External link

Gilpin, Emilee. “Cedar-Eve Creations” Canadian Art, Canadian Art, Summer 2017, p.125, https://www.pressreader.com/canada/canadian-art/20170615/282218010743584. External link

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